Are you looking for the CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Science? Then you’ve come to the right place because we’ve provided the entire syllabus for Class 6 Science. 

    The NCERT textbook for Class 6 Science is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the science subject. The solutions provided in the NCERT book are well structured and prepared in such a way that students can easily understand them. The CBSE Class 6th science syllabus covers material from all three sections: physics, chemistry, and biology. The CBSE syllabus of class 6 science has 16 chapters in total that includes the three sections.

    Topics covered in CBSE Science for Class 6

    • Where Does Food Come From?

    Chapter 1 of the CBSE syllabus discusses the various food sources that are available and that we consume on a daily basis. This chapter classifies foods derived from plants and animals.

    • Food Ingredients

    The second chapter, Food Components, explains the comparison of food that we eat and the proportion of certain foods. This chapter also defines terms such as carbohydrates, nutrients, fats, proteins, and so on.

    • From Fiber to Fabric

    This chapter teaches students about the process of making cloth from raw materials derived from animals and plants. The chapter then moves on to plant fibres such as jute and cotton, and the cleaning and refining processes, as well as the extraction, are described.

    • Materials Sorting into Groups

    Sorting various materials into groups is an intriguing chapter that teaches you how to classify the objects and materials around you. This concept can also help you deal with a variety of complex issues involving elements and animals.

    • Substance Separation

    This chapter of the CBSE Science syllabus for class 6 walks you through various methods for separating substances while keeping their original properties intact. This separation procedure is explained using processes such as filtration, decantation, churning, and so on. 

    • Changes in the Environment

    Students can use the NCERT solutions for class 6 science to help them solve and comprehend all of the questions in the exercise. This chapter describes the changes that are taking place around us, as well as their various effects and types. 

    • Plants: Getting to Know Them

    This chapter introduces the various types of plant parts. In addition, the chapter introduces the reader to the world of shrubs, herbs, and trees through a variety of activities. Later in the chapter, there is a section that explains the parts of the root, stem, flower, and leaf.

    • Movements of the Body

    Chapter 8 of the CBSE science for class 6 explains various types of movements in human and animal bodies. This chapter also walks you through various processes that involve different parts of the body. Section 1 describes the movements of the human body and its joints. 

    • The Living Organisms and Their Environment

    This chapter walks you through the various environments in which an organism can survive. It also explains why a certain type of animal is found in that region. Furthermore, this chapter delves into the organisms’ surroundings and where they live.

    • Distance Measurements and Motions

    This chapter begins with the evolution of transportation history and then gradually explains various measurement methods used for measuring various tools. It also deals with standard units and measurements that are used all over the world.

    • Shadows, reflections, and light

    This is a fundamental and conceptual chapter that helps students understand the complexities of shadows, light, and reflections in higher grades. In chapter 11 of the NCERT science textbook, important topics such as non-emitting and light-emitting objects, their applications and nature, and their properties are discussed.

    • Electricity and Circuits

    This chapter introduces you to various electrical concepts such as electric circuits, electrical devices, switches, insulators, and conductors. This chapter also discusses various electric cells, their attachments and terminals, etc.

    • Having Fun with Magnets

    This chapter describes the discovery of magnets, as well as various types of magnetic and nonmagnetic materials, properties, and applications. You will learn about various magnetic and nonmagnetic materials along with examples and definitions of materials that can become nonmagnetic or magnetic. 

    • Water

    This chapter covers all aspects of water misuse, use, conservation, and sources. This chapter will help students become more aware of the importance of water. 

    • The Air Around Us

    This chapter discusses the air around us and its various compositions. This chapter contains a number of activities that will discuss ed vacuum.

    • Garbage In, Garbage Out

    It is an interesting chapter in the textbook that discusses waste management at a basic level. This chapter’s main topics will be thought and throw, dealing with garbage, vermicomposting, how to recycle paper and plastic, and many more.

    Tips for 6th Grade Science Preparation

    We’ve compiled a list of some of the most important pointers for students preparing for science exams:

    • It is recommended that you make a list of important formulas and laws.
    • Make notes on the topics as you study because it has been proven that writing allows you to learn and understand more. It will also assist you with your revision.
    • Expect diagrams and flowcharts at the end of each topic.

    Study Material for class 6 CBSE Science

    CBSE Class 6 Science Worksheets in PDF is available here for those chapters where students need a more in-depth understanding of the concepts, a detailed questionnaire has been provided. Students can download all of the solutions in the form of chapter-by-chapter PDFs that can be used even when they are not connected to the internet.

    CBSE Class 6 Science Worksheets can be extremely beneficial to students taking the Class 6 Science exam. With these CBSE worksheets, you can significantly improve your Science scores. In addition, you can resolve your doubts by speaking with your mentor, friends, or by reviewing the other materials available.


    The syllabus published by CBSE for Class 6 Science is used by various CBSE affiliated schools and almost all education boards in India. Students are advised to strictly follow the syllabus issued by CBSE to study for their exams and use study materials that follow the same.