Technology improves every day and its main goal is to make our lives more comfortable. The sphere of telecommunications is not an exception. However, it is not something we use on a daily basis. That’s why a lot of great innovations are left unnoticed. We are really used to traditional physical SIM cards. It is relatively convenient and affordable. However, developers and technicians have found a way to make it even better. Have you noticed the way things lose their physical embodiment and obtain their digital one? For example, online shopping is now as popular as real one. The same has happened to traditional SIM cards. Now you can get a esim online easily and try it yourself. Nevertheless, there is still a question: Is a digital SIM better than a SIM card? Is esim by eSimPlus really worth trying? We will try to find the answers to this question in this article.
What is safer

Digital property is definitely better for those who are always anxious about breaking or losing their goods. Physical SIM can be easily damaged. While esim doesn’t have any physical embodiment, it can’t be lost or broken. That’s why esim is surely more convenient if you want to be in touch with other people all the time without any risks.
But the thing is how often do we really have to remove our SIM cards from our phones? Like really, once in a while or even almost never. The chance to lose or damage your SIM card is actually very small.
Even if you lose your phone, no matter what type of SIM you use, it is still possible to restore your data.
Money matters

When it comes to the price, we fully depend on our local providers. Of course, the internet and communication have become a basic necessity. For these reasons, local providers can raise their prices the way they want, because people will still use their services in order not to lose access to a general commodity. Nowadays, a mobile connection is much more expensive than it has ever been. The plans which local providers offer are not beneficial for clients at all. However, we still keep buying them because our choice is limited. The competition in the sphere of providers is not severe.
Services which provide users with digital numbers are meant to become an efficient solution to this problem. The plans here can be much more affordable and flexible. While traditional providers usually come up with a limited choice of options, there are a beggar number of solutions suitable for different aims and groups of people.
Worldwide accessibility
Local providers are called local for a reason. The thing is, you can freely use your physical SIM card only in the country you live in. It is practically useless abroad. Of course, you can try the function of roaming. Roaming used to be a very efficient solution earlier. Roaming is pretty expensive and the quality of the connection and the internet speed are avarage. So, here we have this situation when the price doesn’t comply with the quality at all. People only use it because there is no other option. One more disadvantage is that you usually pay for your expenses after the trip. So, your bill will always come as a surprise.
Digital SIMs can solve all of these problems. You can choose your plan based on your location. Even worldwide plans are available. All of your internet traffic, messages and calls are pre-paid. That means that you can easily control your money. As it has been mentioned, all plans are pretty affordable.
Digital numbers are a convenient feature for those who travel often and don’t want to lose connection.
Compatibility is important

If you have an iPhone, you might have noticed that there is a place only for one SIM card. Also, there are fewer and fewer phones supporting two SIM cards. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean we don’t need them anyway. Esim is compatible with every device, no matter how many SIM cards it can handle. You can use your physical SIM for personal calls and messages, and your esim for professional purposes, for example.
If you’re a business executive, 2 SIM cards can become a real necessity. Using a digital number makes it easier to communicate with your international partners. What is more, having different numbers for different goals will help you to separate your personal life from your professional life. You will never miss a call from an important partner or your loved ones.
People are so used to traditional SIM cards that they usually manage to solve their problems themselves. When there is an issue you can’t solve yourself,. you have to go to the nearest service center to get some help. It’s relatively convenient, considering the fact that there can be a lot of service centers in a town. However, if you can’t afford not being in touch for a long time, you should consider that they usually don’t work night hours.
Digital SIMs usually have a whole support department. You will never be left alone. No matter where you are, you can still get help. The support team works 24/7.
Security and Credibility

Esim services respect your privacy. All of your conversations and messages are encrypted. It means that third parties can’t overhear your private calls or read your messages.
However, it is worth mentioning that traditional SIM cards are also secure. Usually you’re the only person who has access to your information. Just read the agreement you sign with your provider carefuly.
Turns out, in both cases, you shouldn’t worry about the safety of your data.
Nevertheless, is it really safe to use your regular phone number to sign in on different services? Just think about how much information about you is associated with your phone number. While using a virtual number will even help you to hide your location.
Final thoughts
Of course, physical SIM cards have proven to be reliable and secure. We’ve been happily using them for many decades. Esim is something fresh and new. We are still confused about the way we can ingrain them in our routine. In spite of this fact, esims have a lot of pros, even over traditional SIM cards. This solution can be suitable for many groups of people, especially businessmen and travelers. If you feel like this innovation complies with your lifestyle or you’re not satisfied with the way physical cards work, you should definitely give it a shot.