Types of Pen-Testing, Pricing, And All You Need to Know


    Pentesting is one of the most important parts of any security audit. It’s what you do to find out if your system is vulnerable and how it can be exploited by hackers. But there are many different types of pen-tests, each with its own pricing model and level of difficulty. In this article, we’ll go over the basics like what pen testing is, what types exist, and how much they cost!

    What Is Pen Testing?


    Pen testing is a security evaluation of your system or network using the same techniques and methods as hackers use to discover vulnerabilities. This will allow you to find out if there are any weaknesses in your system that could be exploited by attackers, giving you time to fix them before they’re actually used against you.

    What Are The Types Of Pen Testing?

    The different types of pen-testing available for an organization to choose from according to the varied need includes-

    • Black box pentesting-  Black box pen-testing is the most common form of pentesting, where the pentester has no prior knowledge about the target network or organization. This type is usually used to assess the security posture of a system or organization as a whole.
    • White box pentesting- White box pen-testing is similar to black-box testing, but with one key difference: the pentester has full knowledge of the target system or organization, and may even have access to source code. Usually only performed in cases where security is being evaluated for legal reasons, this type of pen-testing can be very expensive due to its high-level sophistication.
    • Gray box pentesting- Gray box testing combines both black box and white box testing elements. The pentester is given some information about the target in question before beginning, but not necessarily in its entirety. For example, they may be told that a certain server runs Linux and has port 22 open on the Internet without being provided with any further details or credentials to access it.
    • Web application pen-testing – Web pen testing is used to check how secure a web app or system is. It’s different from network pentesting because the attack surface here is quite small, and there are fewer possible entry points for attackers compared to an entire network.
    • Network pentesting – Network pentesting (or ethical hacking) involves attacking systems connected within a specific network in order to identify and exploit any security vulnerabilities. This type of pentesting is used to find weaknesses in an organization’s defensive perimeter, which could be exploited by attackers if left unaddressed.
    • Mobile application pentesting – Mobile app pentesting is similar to web application pen-testing, but with one major difference: the attacks are performed on mobile devices. This type of pen-testing is necessary when working with mobile tech, as it allows companies to find vulnerabilities in their apps before they are released on the market.
    • Social engineering pen testing-  Social engineering pen testing is a form of penetration testing that focuses on identifying the methods used by malicious attackers to gather information about an organization’s employees (and their weaknesses) with the intent of gaining unauthorized access. This type of pentesting usually involves calling or emailing employees and gathering as much information as possible before exploiting any security vulnerabilities they might have.
    • Physical security assessment-  Physical security assessment is the process of assessing the physical security of a facility or organization. This can include checking for things like proper locks on doors, adequate surveillance, and signs of forced entry.

    Pricing For Pentesting


    So, now that you know a little bit about what pen testing is and the different types of pentesting available, you’re probably wondering how much pen testing costs. Unfortunately, there’s no quick and easy answer to this as pricing can vary widely depending on the scope and complexity of the test. That being said, most organizations can expect to pay anywhere from $2000-$5000 for a standard pentest, with web application and network pentest costing more due to their increased complexity.

    Although pen testing can be expensive, it’s important to remember that the cost of not performing a pentest could be much higher. Organizations that neglect security often find themselves dealing with costly data breaches that could have been easy with regular penetration testing. In short, pentesting is a necessary investment for any organization looking to protect its data and systems.

    With more than one method to go about pen-testing, it should not come as a surprise that each type of pen-testing has its own price tag. For example, Black Box costs around $200-$400 per hour, White Box at $500+ per hour while Grey Box costs approximately $300-$600 for an hour.

    Keep in mind that these are just averages, and the pricing for each type can vary greatly depending on the organization. Also, some pentesters may charge a flat fee for a specific job, so it’s important to get an estimate before hiring one.


    When you hire a pentester, you’re not just getting someone who will try to break into your system. A good pentester will also provide you with a report detailing all of their findings, as well as suggested solutions to any vulnerabilities they find. This information is invaluable for fixing security issues and keeping your data safe! Pen-testing is an essential part of any security audit, and there are many different types depending on your needs. Make sure you pick the right type, get a good estimate for your project, and hire an experienced professional to perform it!