Tips on How to Effectively Prepare for Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for removing fat in the body. It can help you get the body you want. However, it would help if you prepared yourself before this procedure. 

Preparing yourself for liposuction surgery involves many factors, including lifestyle changes, dieting, exercise and even weight loss if needed. Find out where to go and who can do this procedure safely. The cost is also a significant factor in your decision. You shouldn’t commit to something you cannot afford. 

The following tips can help you effectively prepare to remove fat from the body

Quit Smoking

Smoking can cause several health problems, including increased heart disease and stroke risk. Quitting smoking may be one of the best things you can do for your overall health. But it’s crucial if you’re considering liposuction.

Smoking slows your body’s ability to heal from surgery and increases the risk of complications during and after surgery. The reason for this is smoking reduces blood flow. Additionally, smokers typically have difficulty breathing under anesthesia, forcing doctors to use albuterol and other bronchodilator medications.

Avoid Sunbathing

Sunbathing is not recommended in general. You expose yourself to ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays when sunbathing. These can degrade collagen and hasten its breakdown.

Collagen helps keep skin firm and plump, so when collagen breaks down, wrinkles form. This is why you see signs of aging on your skin over time. The scorching sun’s heat can also cause dark spots or skin discolouration.

However, for other reasons, you must avoid sunbathing at least two to three weeks before liposuction. Prolonged sun exposure can inflame your skin significantly. Inflammation may cause you to bleed more during surgery and heal slowly afterwards.

Stay Away From Blood-Thinning Medication

If you’re currently on blood thinners, discussing this with your doctor before undergoing liposuction is essential. Blood thinners can significantly increase the risk of bleeding during surgery and your risk for infection.

Doctors often prescribe blood thinners like warfarin and heparin to prevent blood clots. But they can also cause excessive bleeding during and after surgery. Therefore, it is best to avoid these medications before undergoing liposuction.

Avoid Vitamin E and Herbal Treatments

You may have heard herbal treatments and vitamin E are great for your skin. Unfortunately, they can also interfere with the healing process after liposuction. 

Vitamin E is known as an antioxidant protecting the body from free radicals. But it also affects blood clotting. If you take vitamin E while recovering from liposuction, you increase the risk of bleeding. Blood clots form in areas with a lot of traumas, such as surgery. Consult your doctor when taking supplements like vitamin E while recovering from liposuction.

Herbal remedies are also not recommended because they can cause allergic reactions or other side effects if taken incorrectly. Stop taking herbal meds at least two weeks before the surgery. Also, tell your doctor about any herbal treatments or vitamins you take before your procedure.

Research Before You Undergo Liposuction

Before you undergo liposuction, it’s essential to do your research. Learn about the procedure, its risks, and the results you can expect. A well-informed person is more prepared to make the right choices when considering liposuction. 

These tips can help the procedure go as expected if you decide to get liposuction surgery. However, always ask your doctor about your concerns before going under the knife. A competent plastic surgeon is your best resource for the most accurate information and advice about liposuction.