Understanding the CompTIA Security+ Exam!

CompTIA Security+ is a global and vendor-neutral cybersecurity certification that validates the knowledge and skills required the information technology (IT) security professions.

CompTIA Security+ is one of the leading security certifications that IT professionals seek to achieve. It provides forth the fundamental information needed for online security jobs and serves as a stepping stone to mid-level to higher level  network security careers. Successful candidates will have the following skills:

  • Recognize various types of security issues and comprehend the concepts of penetration testing and weakness filtering.
  • Introduce, arrange, and communicate network components while evaluating and investigating concerns to aid hierarchical security.
  • Implement secure organizational engineering concepts and frameworks. plan
  • Create personal and administrative access, as well as executive controls.
  • Carry out and summarize risk management best practices and business security needs.
  • Introduce and design remote security settings, as well as implement the public key basis,

To get an idea of the type and difficulty level of the Security+ exam, see this example of Security+ 601 practice test questions. The exam is based on currently accepted processes for risk management and risk reduction, with a focus on the reasonable and active ability to recognize and handle security hazards, assaults, and weaknesses.

How many questions are there on the CompTIA Security+ exam?

The CompTIA Security+ Exam Objectives comprises around 90 questions and you will have 90 minutes to answer them so about one minute per question. Following the completion of the test, you will be prompted to complete some discretionary review data regarding your study practices and why you opted to be certified. This will consist of approximately 12 multiple-choice questions, but they don’t count against the exam.

What Specific Content Areas Does The CompTIA Security+ Exam Cover?

To review the content areas of the exam, download the official Security+ certification exam objectives. It lists all the areas that CompTIA can ask you questions about during the exam. Review this document carefully, identify your areas of weakness, and from there establish your own study plan.


While dealing with these challenges on your test, make sure to manage your time wisely. The majority of these questions will appear near the beginning of the test, and you will not be able to see a clock while working on them.

Click here for more information on execution-based questions or to try an example of an exhibition-based question.

What are the CompTIA Security+ Exam Domains, and what are they about?

The CompTIA Security+ exam covers the following topics and points:

Dangers, assaults, and flaws: Analyze give-and-take signals to determine malware types or study different types of attacks.

Personality and Access Control: Implement character and access controls for executives, or create a separate normal record for the board to rehearse.

Tools and advancements: Troubleshoot standard security concerns or transport cell phones safely.

Risk Management: Explain the significance of arrangements, plans, and methodologies related to official security.

Design and engineering: Ideas for secure application evolution, organization, cloud, and virtualization should be summarized.

Cryptography and PKI: Compare and contrast essential cryptographic theories or implement an open key system.

What Is the CompTIA Security+ Exam Duration?

You’ll have an hour and a half to complete the test. This does not include the time required to check-in at the testing community, so plan to arrive early.

There is a wealth of information available to guide you from deciding whether CompTIA Security+ is right for you through taking your exam. We’re always there for you!