8 Self Esteem Activities For Kindergarteners To Help Build Confidence! [2023]


Building self esteem in kindergarteners is very important. The way you teach and guide your children shapes their minds. In this article, you will learn about self esteem activities for kindergarteners. If you start practicing these activities, your children will have healthy self esteem.

As a parent, you will have a chance to build healthy self esteem by encouraging them to take on new challenges and try out unique solutions. In this article, first we will learn why self esteem plays a vital role in children’s lives and then some of the most effective self esteem activities for kindergarteners. 

If your child faces any difficulty while performing self esteem activities or she may face a problem to solve a particular problem, do not immediately provide her a solution. Instead, you can exhort her to think differently and try out new ways to solve the problem. That’s where your child will start learning about the problem-solving attitude, which will help her solve minor/major life problems. 

What is Self Esteem?

Self esteem is rating oneself as a human being. You are giving value to yourself. Self esteem is how you see yourself as a person. Healthy self esteem can help your child raise as a confident person. Your child’s performance will improve in all areas if you are able to imbibe positive self-esteem. Your child will feel and realize his “self-worth.” Building self-esteem at an early age is crucial. That’s why you need to take this seriously. Self esteem and self-confidence look similar, but they are different. Self esteem is critically important. There are many sports players you might have seen who are celebrities. However, after a few years, they died because of stress, anxiety, and depression. You may be confident in many areas. But that will not be said that you have developed your self-esteem. Self esteem is a completely different term. Here you are going to analyze your “Sense of Self,” “self-worth,” “Self Image.” Self-evaluation as a human being.” This is not a one-day game that you will work on today, and it developed. It takes time to build “Self Image.” Now you have the opportunity to work on your child’s self esteem right from her early age so that she will rise as a confident and worthy person in future. Positive self esteem creates a constructive impact on your child’s life. 

Low self esteem affects a child’s mind negatively. A child is always letting herself down with her performance. She never felt “Worthy” to perform any activity in-home or at school. This will create a “feeling of unworthy” in his heart, which may impact her mind.

Parents need to actively take part to build their child’s self-esteem. Here are some self esteem activities for kindergarteners:

Easy But Effective Self Esteem Activities For Kindergarteners

1. Give Them Feelings of Unconditional love & Acceptance.

  • Focus Skill: To Boost Self-Confidence & self-esteem

Children feel very good whenever their parents show them that they are being loved unconditionally. They like it even if you look at them and smile. It shows your affection for your children. Everyone likes the sense of importance. Even children also like the feeling of being important and showing them that they are the most important part of your life often. They start developing a sense of self. Positive self esteem starts growing in your children. Make sure that you are talking to them kindly and making them feel loved. It impacts their lives positively. Just imagine you have a child, and you are scolding her every time they make a mistake intentionally/unintentionally. 

What will happen?

Your child starts getting fearful, and thus, she starts treating herself lower compared to others in the long term. A child starts raising underconfident and with less self esteem. Your child may fall into the trap of anxiety and depression. Parents play a critical role while developing a sense of self in one’s child to avoid all of this. 

Here you are free to think about the self esteem activities for your preschooler. Self esteem activities such as you can ask her opinion whenever you are preparing food. You can ask her what you would like to eat etc. You can give her a small piece of housework. You can put forward a small problem and encourage her to solve it. You can encourage her to think differently. That’s the way she starts developing his problem-solving attitude. These are some of the self esteem activities for your kindergarteners.

Bonus: Always talk to your child affectionately so that she will feel good. You can kiss/hug your child; even a simple smile also works great. Try this today! 

2. Ask her To Create A Boat

  • Focus Skill: To Build a Problem Solving Attitude

This is one of the best ways to build a problem-solving attitude in your child, And problem-solving is a great way to enhance self-esteem. In this activity, you can provide some used raw material and challenge her to build a boat. You can provide her necessary equipment also; make sure you are not helping them at all. Let her use his mind. This is one of the best self esteem activities for kindergarteners because it exercises their minds to think creatively to find a solution. 


3. Plan, Prepare, And Serve Snack

  • Focus Skill: To be A Good Planner

This is also a good self esteem activity for your child at which you will ask her to prepare or plan a snack. If your child is older, then you can even give her the challenge to plan a lunch. You don’t need to tell her what to prepare and how to prepare. Let her decide what to do and how to do it. Now you need to observe things carefully; while doing all this stuff, your child begins to think and plan different stuff. Now there will be a time constraint so that she needs to decide and prepare snacks/lunch on time. At the time of deciding and preparing a meal, your child starts to think about many things at a time. That’s how your child’s confidence level will increase. Your child’s cognitive skills will enhance by doing these kinds of self esteem activities.

Bonus:  Try giving a small hint about planning but don’t tell everything. Here you are working on her ability to make a plan so that it will boost her confidence in the long run.


4. Arrange a family trip and ask her to pack things up

  • Focus Skill: Being independent 

This is an interesting self esteem activity for kindergarteners. Suppose you decide to go on a trip. Now you will have the best chance to perform self esteem activities for your preschooler. You need to ask her to pack for a trip. You don’t need to tell her what to pack, how to pack etc. Let her decide. In this type of self esteem activity, a child’s confidence will improve. Once your child’s packing gets over, now it’s your time to recheck everything. Recheck whatever she has taken for a trip. If you feel that she might have missed something, Don’t tell her immediately. Ask her politely, “Have you taken everything ?”, “Don’t you think we forget something?” if you are asking this type of thought-provoking question, she starts to re-think. Ultimately confidence in being independent will increase.


Bonus:  Try this, Surprise your child with the spontaneous family trip and try recording that moment. See her expression. And give her an idea about what she is about to do for a trip. 


5. I am Activity: Helps Building Child’s Self Confidence

  • Focus Skill: Self Confidence and self esteem 

This activity helps your children to increase their self esteem. In this activity, you need to provide her with a paper and tell her to write all the things that people usually talk about her that may be positive or negative. Then give her a rubber and tell her to rub all negative comments by people and focus only on positive things about her. That’s the way you are indirectly teaching her to focus on positivity and tell her to make those things attractive and paste it in his room. So that she will see things frequently that impact his mind positively, you will start seeing noticeable changes in your child’s confidence. 

Bonus: You can ask her to write “I AM” before” good things” people talk about her, And tell her to recite this sentence before going to bed. Additionally, Ask her to look in the mirror and recite this “Positive Affirmation.” This is one of the best self esteem activities for kindergarteners.


6. Count on your winnings: Remind her about small past successes. 

  • Focus Skill: Complete acceptance of failure and moving on quickly.

Some people feel very disappointed when they worked hard and didn’t achieve the things they desire. Some people “Give Up” in the first attempt. They never look back. They took failure very seriously. Now here is the main fact. Success is the new chapter after failure. Most people have not conditioned their minds that it’s OK to be failed. Being failed it’s absolutely normal. If you stop after your failure, then this is not normal. You need to keep trying till you achieve success. Success is always a journey, not a destination. You need to enjoy this process. Failure is totally acceptable. So in this activity, you need to teach your child that “It’s OK to be Failed” and keep trying till she gets success. In this activity, you need to ask her to list down all the winnings moments at her past. That may be very small but tell her to list down small successes. And motivate her to keep that list with her. And whenever she feels low that time this list will remind her about “Self-Worth.” 

Bonus: It will be great if you tell her to use colorful markers to make a list on a card sheet of paper. Additionally, tell her to paste her “Smiling Picture” and paste it to her bedroom wall. 

7. Self Talk: Self Talk is one of self esteem activities for kindergarteners that is easy to do but very effective.

  • Focus Skill: Building Positive Self Image. 

Can you imagine? How bad it is, If your child is talking negatively about herself. Self-talk is one more important thing that needs to be considered. Your child might be saying negative things about oneself. That’s the way she starts feeling low. If she has negative self-talk often, it may negatively impact her “Self Esteem.” Parents have a great influence over their children. This can be taken positively. Whenever your child is talking negatively about “Oneself,” then you can immediately convert the same into positive. 

For example: “If your child is saying I am very good at baseball,” you can immediately convert the same statement into positive, such as “No champ, you are good at the game now you need to work extra hard on your game” If you see the second statement is positive and optimistic. This will start rewiring your child’s mind to have an optimistic approach. This will not happen immediately, but you may notice a change in your child’s attitude after some time. 

Bonus:  Try this! Take your child with you in front of the mirror and tell her to do positive self talk and you assist her.  

8. Overcoming Fear: List Down Fearful Things

  • Focus Skill: Building a courage 

Fear is the most common factor, and every child/adult has fear in their heart. Everyone is afraid to do something. Having fear is very normal, but you can overcome it with proper practice. If you want to remove fear from your kindergartener, you can help her to do so. You give her a pen and paper and ask her to write down what she fears most. Those things might be ‘Giving Classroom Presentation,’ ‘asking doubts in the class,’ ‘taking part in sports activity, etc. Ask her to write down all things she is afraid of. Once she writes down, then tell her to imagine doing those things in mind. This is the way she starts overcoming her fear. 

Bonus: While doing imagination, ask her to make it as real as possible. Tell her to feel the thrill. So that next time when she is going to do those fearful things, she will have developed the courage to tackle those things.  



Self-esteem plays a very significant role in a child’s life. If at an early age a parent worked on her child’s self esteem/self-confidence. This will result in a healthier and happy life for your child, so that you need to perform self esteem activities for kindergarteners and make your child confident in the long run.