Many people who are aware of the importance of safekeeping our planet, have started introducing different methods to do so, for example, changing the way they eat (going vegan).
The choice of furniture is another way in which we can consciously take care of the environment, finding one made of materials that are good for the planet, and ecologically safe. This is called sustainable furniture.
There are certain characteristics that make furniture sustainable, including the materials used to make it, but the entire production process must also be taken into account. In addition, we must not neglect the method of transportation from the place of production to the seller and the buyer, as well as the functionality and longevity of the furniture.
In the following article, we highlight all the elements that make bamboo furniture a great choice for those who care about keeping their home and its furniture eco-friendly.
1. You are choosing sustainability over pollution

Furniture pieces that are labeled as sustainable, are not labeled as such just because of the material, but must have a couple of more characteristics. Materials can also be those that are often recycled or repurposed. One such example is bamboo, which grows quickly and easily. When making eco-friendly pieces of furniture, the use of dangerous chemicals is avoided and non-toxic paints are used instead.
2. By choosing bamboo furniture, you are supporting sustainable production practices

The use of sustainable materials is only one of the steps leading to the production of sustainable furniture. Responsible manufacturing practices are equally important and have a major impact on our planet. They must be safe for the environment, and this would mean that producer must limit carbon emissions as well as other similar possible pollutive elements. Most of those who declare themselves as sustainable producers often practice production that does not harm the environment or communities at any point in the process of collecting materials. When you choose to buy bamboo furniture for your home, you are supporting these sustainable producers.
3. Supporting environmentally acceptable transport

Given that the transportation of finished products, as well as raw materials in the manufacturing process, uses energy, transportation should also be environmentally friendly. Whenever possible, choose locally made furniture and pieces that are made from locally sourced materials to help reduce your carbon footprint. Keep in mind that furniture that travels from location to location is also usually packed, using large amounts of unnecessary packaging.
4. Functionality of furniture

When we talk about a sustainable purchase, the first rule is that before buying, ask yourself if you really need it. The question that follows is about functionality, that is, whether the item will meet all your needs. Try to choose multi-purpose items like beds with built-in shelves, and always go for pieces that are made of durable materials like bamboo, and fit into your lifestyle so you won’t have to replace them anytime soon.
When it comes to functionality, bamboo is really a good material to choose from, and here are some facts to prove our claim. Due to its flexibility, strength, durability, and beautiful appearance, bamboo is a valued material among architects and designers. The time of ecological awareness brings before you the question – wood or substitute material? As bamboo is a highly renewable source that can grow up to half a meter per day, it beats wood when it comes to eco-friendly materials. As a material, it is elastic and not easy to break. Its felling takes three to five years, while ordinary trees take 10 to 20 years. Its cutting does not kill the entire plant, so there is no need to replant it – the plant will grow again by itself.
5. By choosing bamboo you are directly impacting the benefit of the planet

For those who haven’t been thinking about buying bamboo, you should be aware of the fact that this material impacts the planet in several ways. Apart from the fact that it is a solid substitute for wood, as we mentioned earlier, as a plant it has great significance in reducing our carbon footprint. It is known to be able to absorb very large amounts of carbon from our surroundings, and in return generate huge levels of oxygen.
In fact, it can generate more than 30% more oxygen, compared to a stand of trees, for instance. As for CO2 gasses, it can sequester more than 10 tons of it from the air, per hectare, yearly.
So, it is safe to conclude that if people start using this material for their homes they will directly contribute to decreasing deforestation which is one of the top priority problems we need to solve if we are to move towards a green future. This could also motivate cultivators to start using wastelands and other areas to grow bamboo, for all its benefits.
6. Eco-friendly furniture will look good in your home

Furniture and various dishes and decorative accessories in the home look interesting and exotic, and its neutral color will give you the opportunity to combine it with stronger shades in the room. Its quality is unquestionable.
Besides furniture, many choose the material for flooring. Bamboo floors are easy to install, and their biggest advantage is that they are very durable. According to some estimates, it will last at least ten years if properly maintained.
Did you know that bamboo isn’t even a tree, as most of us think? It is actually a type of grass. A very tall one obviously. Finally, what we failed to mention earlier, but plays a huge role in the material being eco-friendly, is the fact that bamboo does not need any pesticides, or fertilizer to grow like crazy. It simply grows like crazy, asking for no replanting in return, as was mentioned earlier in the article. Therefore, if used for our daily needs, the soil, water, and air remain intact.