If you’ve got an innovative idea or invention, you might be wondering how to get a U.S. patent on it. The process of getting a patent is not easy, but it can be well worth it if your invention is good enough. This article will outline the steps you need to take in order to get a U.S. patent on your invention, and provide some tips along the way. Armed with this information, you’ll be well on your way to protecting your intellectual property and making money from your invention for years to come.
What are the steps to get a U.S. patent?
Step One: Understand your invention

The first step in how to get a patent is to understand your invention. This may involve researching the product or process you have created, as well as learning about the ones that have been filed for similar inventions. It requires absolute novelty, so it’s important that you come up with something that hasn’t been done before.
If you’re unsure of whether your invention is patentable, consult an attorney. The first step in drafting an application is to decide on the type of protection you want: a utility patent, which covers the technical aspects of your invention; or a design, which protects the look and appearance of your invention.
Step Two: Research it
It requires absolute novelty, so it’s important that you come up with something that hasn’t been done before. If you’re unsure whether your invention is patentable, consult an attorney.
Once you’ve determined whether or not your invention is patentable, you need to research any potential ones that could be applicable. This may include looking at patents that have already been filed for similar inventions or online databases such as Google Patents or USPTO.gov. You can also contact licensing companies and other experts who may know about specific patents that could be applicable to your invention. If all else fails, consider filing a provisional application with the USPTO in order to get some early feedback on your idea.
Step Three: Choose the type of protection

If your invention is patentable, you need to choose the type of protection you want. There are three types of them available in the United States: utility, design, and plant patents.
Utility covers the technical aspects of your invention and is the most common type of it. They protect the invention’s functionality, not its design. For example, utility copyright might protect a new way to make a product or process more efficient.
Step Four: Draft your application
It requires a formal application process, so you’ll need to draft a patent application. This will involve completing a detailed specification of your invention, as well as filing the application with the USPTO. You’ll also need to pay a fee and provide additional documentation, such as sample products or test results.
Step Five: Wait for a formal response
Once your patent application has been filed, you’ll need to wait for a formal response. This may take several months, so be patient! If everything goes according to plan, you’ll receive a notice indicating that your application has been accepted for examination. From here, you’ll start the process of drafting and filing more documents related to your invention. There is also InventHelp that helps inventors with their key processes such as copyright protection referrals and prototype creation.
How much does it cost to get a U.S. patent?

If you have an innovative idea or invention, you may want to consider copyrighting it. A U.S. patent is a legal protection that allows you to prevent others from using, copying, or selling your idea without your permission.
Getting it can be expensive, but there are some ways to reduce the cost. The basic filing fee for a design application is $760 for a large entity and $380 for a small entity. A micro-entity fee is $190. If you hire a lawyer to assist with preparing documents and filing the design application, the cost could be around $1,500-$3,000.
While the cost of obtaining a U.S. patent is high, the benefits are well worth it. It gives you exclusive rights to your idea or invention and can help protect your intellectual property asset from competitors. If you’re interested in protecting your innovation commercially, getting a U.S. patent is an essential part of your inventions.
Can you file your patent application yourself?
If you have an innovative idea or invention, you may be wondering if you can file them yourself. The answer is yes, you can file a patent application on behalf of yourself or your co-inventors. Alternatively, you can hire a registered agent or attorney to file your application for you. These applications require both legal and technical expertise and even small mistakes can dramatically compromise their value of it. Before filing your application, it is important to consult with a registered attorney to ensure that your idea or invention falls within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and that your application is properly prepared.
How long does it take to get a response from the USPTO?

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is responsible for issuing them and registering trademarks. The USPTO’s online services provide information on the process of filing a trademark application, obtaining registered marks, viewing current registrations, and more.
To file a trademark application with the USPTO, you must provide the USPTO with an application form, one or more specimen(s) of your mark(s), and payment of applicable fees. You can find all of the information you need to file a trademark application on the USPTO’s website.
Once you have filed your trademark application with the USPTO, you will receive a notice indicating either that your application has been preliminarily accepted or rejected. Within 3-6 months, you can reasonably expect to receive a notice from the USPTO indicating either that your mark has been preliminarily accepted or rejected. If your mark is preliminarily accepted, you will need to submit additional documentation and pay any additional fees associated with obtaining an approved registration. If your mark is rejected, you will need to revise your mark accordingly and try again.
What if my patent application is rejected?
If your U.S. patent application is rejected, you have the right to appeal the decision. Filing an appeal requires an official form from the USPTO along with the appeal fee. A written brief is also necessary, explaining your position against the rejection.
If you have an idea or invention that you believe has potential, it’s important to protect your intellectual property. It can provide the necessary security for your business and help you ensure that others cannot steal your ideas and profit from them without giving you credit. Whether you are a startup company just starting out or an established player in the market, getting a U.S. patent on your idea is essential for protecting both your business and your intellectual property. I encourage you to speak with an experienced Intellectual Property Attorney to get started on the process of obtaining a copyright for your invention or idea.