How to get IP redirected to a home server

have public IP redirect to home server

How to get IP redirected to a home server

A web server managed by a firm has a couple of responses.

The most vital job is to browse the web pages in response to the HTTP request. It is a process that depends on the correct configuration of IP addresses and domain names. And, manually configuring the domains is quite complicated. But, a custom web interface will make the webserver administration task a light one.

If you want to have public IP redirect to home server, keep reading this article.

We are going to explore four aspects of an IP address and domain management.

It will cover the following.

· It adds a new IP address and redirects it to a domain.

· It adds a new customized domain.

· It will configure domain redirect.

· It will configure domain forwarding.

We will also show you how to flush the operating system DNS cache. It solves a problem that becomes frustrating to a couple of users when they change domain and IP configuration.

How can you redirect a new IP to a home server?

have public IP redirect to home server

There are a couple of reasons to have public IP redirect to home server.You may want to give the reseller or user a static IP address or allow a site to get operated from a dedicated address.

If you want to add an IP address to a web server, you need to do the following.

· Access to the root account

· You will get a new IP address from your hosting provider. It will set up the network to have public IP redirect to home server.

First, you need to inform the ISP about the IP address so that you can configure the server and make the IP address available for use with other services and sites.

You can navigate to add a new IP address under the IP function in the sidebar menu.

You want to enter the new IP address and the Subnet Mask. If you don’t know which Subnet Mask to enter, you want to consult with your hosting provider. The Mask will indicate which part of the address gets used for the network and which part gets used for the devices on the network. It will differ based on the configuration of the host, but each IP on your server should use the same Subnet Mask.

Click change the IP address to have public IP redirect to home server. If you change the IP address of the site, it will become unavailable to the old IP address. You can expect it to become offline for some time.

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Adding a new domain is one of the most common Jobs. If you purchase your domain from a registrar, you will configure the DNS server. You need to open the domain page. You want to enter the domain name and the document root for the files of the site.

Click submit, and you willhave public IP redirect to home server.We just learned about how you can redirect IP to the domains. What if you want to redirect one domain to another. It’s a frequent request when a brand needs to change the domain without Breaking the older links.

Now that we know what it takes to have public IP redirect to home server,We will talk about configuring redirect.

It is helpful to know that there are two main types of redirect codes. When a web client request one redirected page, the server will send the response that will include the HTTPS and URL status code.

You see there are a dozen of status codes. but we are more inclined to those that begin with 3.

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We will make it easy to handle all aspects of domain name management and IP address. It doesn’t matter whether you want to add an IP domain or address, edit the zone file or redirect the domain. If you want to know more about Vivohow to have public IP redirect to home server, you can review our articles. We only told you what’s possible in this article. If you want to no more, you can let us know.

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