UV radiation is the biggest threat to your skin and can cause serious skin cancer. To help protect yourself from this damaging light, you need to use a sunscreen that has ultraviolet (UV) protection. But which sunscreen is best for you? And how do you know if it’s actually protecting you against UV rays? In this blog post, we will walk you through the basics of UV radiation and how it can damage your skin. We will also provide tips on how to properly apply sunscreen so that it provides the maximum level of protection.
What is UVA?

UV rays are responsible for the development of skin cancer. Ultraviolet A (UVA) exposure is particularly harmful because it can penetrate deep into the skin and cause damage to the DNA of cells.
Many UVA protective sunscreens protect against UVA rays, but not all. To determine if your sunscreen protects against UVA radiation, check the label. Sunscreens that say “Broad Spectrum SPF 30” or “UVA/UVB Protection” will protect you from both UVA and UVB radiation.
If you are in need of additional protection from the sun, consider using a sun cream with an SPF factor of 50 or more.
How do I know if my sunscreen is UVA protected?

Sunscreen is a product meant to protect the skin from the sun. However, not all sun creams are created equal when it comes to Ultraviolet A protection.
To be sure your skin protection is protecting you from Ultraviolet A rays, look for the following ingredients: avobenzone, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide or oxybenzone.
If you can’t find any of these ingredients in your skin protection, then it likely isn’t Ultraviolet A protective and should be used with caution during summer months when the sun is strongest.
How does sunscreen work to protect against UVA?

Ultraviolet A (UVA) is the type of ultraviolet radiation that can cause cancer. Sunscreen protects against UVA by absorbing the energy of these rays. When sun cream absorbs UVA, it creates a physical barrier that filters out the sun’s harmful UVB and UVC rays.
The amount of UV radiation a product blocks is measured in UVB protection factor (SPF).
The higher the SPF, the more resistant the sun cream is to Ultraviolet A exposure. However, not all sunscreens offer equal levels of Ultraviolet A protection.
Broad-spectrum skin protections contain ingredients that block both UVA and UVB rays.
These skin protections are effective at protecting against both kinds of skin cancer, but they may not be as effective at blocking UVA as high-end sunscreens with just Ultraviolet A protection.
To find out if your sun cream offers adequate UVA protection, look for a label that reads “broad spectrum” or “ultra broad spectrum.” Sunscreens with these labels are typically more resistant to fading and streaking than those without these labels. You can also ask your dermatologist or pharmacist for advice on which skin protection is best for your specific skin type and concerns.
What are the different types of sunscreen?

There are a variety of sunscreen products on the market today, each with its own unique features and sun protection properties.
Broad spectrum protect against both UVA and UVB radiation. They offer the best overall protection because they block both types of rays. This type of sunscreen is typically recommended for people who spend a lot of time outdoors, as it provides more comprehensive coverage than other types of sunscreens.
Ozone-rich provide excellent UVA and UVB coverage, but come with a risk of photoaging and other skin irritations. These products are best suited for people who do not spend much time outdoors and want to take minimal precautions against skin cancer.
Physical blockers such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide are found in some lesser-known brands of skin protections and offer moderate levels of UVA/UVB protection. These types of products may be beneficial for those who regularly engage in outdoor activities that require extended exposure to the sun but can also cause skin irritation in those with sensitive skin.
Chemical filters such as oxybenzone (IBZ) work by absorbing short-wavelength ultraviolet radiation before it can damage the skin cell DNA, which is why this type of sunscreen is often recommended for children, whose thin skins are more susceptible to damage from the sun’s harmful rays. Chemical filters should only be used in combination with physical blockers if you have dry or sensitive skin, as oxybenzone can be irritating.
Which is more harmful UVA or UVB?

There is much debate over which type of UV radiation is more harmful to the skin.
Ultraviolet A (UVA) can cause skin cancer, while ultraviolet B (UVB) can cause sunburns.
Fortunately, sunscreen products are now available that protect against both types of UV radiation.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, Ultraviolet A exposure is more harmful because it penetrates the skin deeper than UVB. This means that UVA rays can damage DNA in the cells below the surface layer of the skin, leading to wrinkles and age spots later in life. In addition, UVA rays can also cause melanoma, a deadly form of cancer.
To ensure you’re getting the most protection from your sunscreen, look for a product labeled “broad-spectrum” or “UVA/UVB protection”. These products will protect you from both Ultraviolet A and UVB radiation. However, use caution when selecting a sun cream:
• Sunscreen should never be used as a substitute for proper sun exposure prevention activities such as using sun cream and wearing protective clothing when outdoors.
What percentage of sunlight is UVA?

UVB radiation is the main cause of sunburn. Ultraviolet A radiation penetrates deeper into the skin and can lead to skin cancer.
Only about 5 percent of UVB radiation is harmful, while 95 percent of UVB radiation is harmless.
The main type of UV radiation that causes sunburn and skin cancer is Ultraviolet A radiation. Only about one-seventh of UVB radiation is UVA radiation.
To be effective against the damaging effects of both types of UV radiation, your sunscreen needs to protect you against both UVA and UVB rays. Broad-spectrum sunscreens offer protection against both types of rays, but they are not 100 percent effective.
For best results, choose a sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 30 or higher. Sunscreens with an SPF rating lower than 30 offer less broad-spectrum protection and may not be as effective against Ultraviolet A rays as those with a higher SPF rating.
Sun cream is key to protecting yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays, but not all sunscreen products offer adequate Ultraviolet A protection. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your sunscreen, look for one that is labeled as UVA-protective and has an SPF of at least 30. Remember to reapply sun cream every two hours when outdoors in sunlight, and especially after swimming or sweating.